I found my "The Rotation Diet" book and the later book by Martin Katahn, which is supposed to be an improvement, called, "The T-Factor Diet". Rotation diet says you can lose up to 21 lbs in 3 weeks (and part of the plan is taking the 4th week off, then starting another rotation if you need to lose more). T-Factor says 9-12 lbs in 3 weeks on the quick melt plan. 45 minutes of daily exercise is required. T-Factor is big on limiting fat. Rotation Diet is all about calorie reduction, but having caloric intake fluctuate, so the body doesn't go into "starvation mode"
I will probably use both of these and develop my own "diet". The trick is going to be DENYING MYSELF. I had an empty feeling yesterday that didn't get settled down till I had 4 "fun size" 100Grand candy bars. I guess it may have been a carb craving? I did have a migraine yesterday, too.
I am going to give myself unlimited fruits and vegetables and tea with sugar. I hate artificial sweeteners. I'll try to follow the Rotation Diet as far as other carbs and proteins and fat go.
Today's plan:
Breakfast- 1 fruit, 1 slice bread,1 oz cheese,
Lunch-2 oz salmon (or tuna), 5 whole wheat crackers (or equivalent), vegetables
Dinner-3 oz. baked chicken, vegetables and fruit
8 glasses of water!! 45 minutes of exercise.
I actually can work up to 45 min. of exercise. I did 30 minutes at the Y: 5 minutes on the stairmaster and 25 on the treadmill. I also plan to go do some weight work before I shower.
I will probably have a smoothie with yogurt and fruit in addition to the above. I need to remind myself to chew gum and drink lots of water. That does help me.
it would be interesting to see how much I can lose if I follow a plan. I'm real good at starting the day right, but I am terrible about depriving myself. It is a good exercise in self-discipline.
I need to take measurements and photos.
I feel like I shall have a good day today. it is rainy and gloomy, but I feel pretty good. Mood is really good and energy level seems good too. i am having some pain, but I think I can work through it okay. All the kids are at school today, so I have lots of uninterrupted time to work on my house, which looks like a disaster area at the moment. I have a couple of errands to run when I go to pick up my son at 4. It is 9:45 now. I am going to go load my dishwasher, do a little more exercise (free weights and abs) and eat breakfast after that. Then, several hours of housework! A way to bless my family, as Flylady says!
I thank God for giving me the focus and energy to do what I need to accomplish today!