So far I have heard that this young man was very intelligent. His parents divorced 4 years ago. His older brother has not kept in contact for the last couple of years. The boy was a "goth" and I don't know what that means besides the style of dress and makeup. He lived in a good area of town.
I hope something good comes out of this tragedy. I hope people will try harder to connect with each other and people will get help when they have mental issues.
I don't think gun control is the answer. Bombs and knives kill people every day.
I think we need more censorship in this country. Movies and video games with GRAPHIC violence need to be kept from our children.I don't really approve even of cartoon type or "Three Stooges" type of violence. Nobody needs to see blood and guts. Keep everything PG or better. Parents need to watch what their kids are watching on tv and computer and video games. This isn't a gun problem, it's a mind and heart problem. There will always be evil in the world and random acts of violence, but we need to figure out how to keep it to a minimum.
I think the "cure" for society's ills are about as simple as the "cure" for lifestyle related physical diseases. I think it is simple, but not easy and just like some people would rather keep smoking and die young or eat what they want and get diabetes, etc. people want to do what they want as far as morality goes and we all will suffer the consequences. I think there is room for some mental "junk food" just like I think there is room for some "junk food" in a healthy person's diet. But we are feeding our children the equivalent of rat poison vs. Twinkies these days. I try to control what my children are exposed to. I think some stuff slips by me, but I would NEVER approve of my child watching movies or playing video games or listening to music or reading books that promote illicit sex or violence. Why are these things even targeted towards our young people? I think we all need to pay heed to the instructions in Philipians about what we should keep our minds on.