In the left corner of this picture is some poke weed. I picked a huge bag a week or two ago before I cut my grass, but I finally threw it out. I was going to blanch and freeze it, but I finally decided I wasn't going to get around to it.
Poke Sallet is a bit of a pain to cook--I boil it 5 minutes, three times, each time changing water. Then I put it in an iron skillet with butter and salt and add some eggs and scramble it all up and eat it with toast. You have to pick the poke that doesn't have red in the stems--usually you pick the tops, because the stem near the ground may have some red. Supposedly, poke is poisonous, but the poison is in the red parts, which I think eventually becomes red veining in the leaves, which is why you are only supposed to eat the young plants.
This morning, I made Dolma (stuffed vegetables) with wild grape leaves and swiss chard leaves from my garden. I am playing around with recipes. I did rice and lentils (no meat) filling this morning.